How can you get involved?
This Week at Shiloh Family Church
Monday’s Youth Group (Junior High and High School) 6:30pm-8pm
Wednesdays Foster Care/Adoption Parent support group 5:30pm-6:30pm Sanctuary
Check out our Midweek Refuel Bible Study on Wednesday’s on our facebook and youtube page
Mathew Arellano Leads our children’s ministry he is such a huge blessing to our kids. He often has over 20 kids in kids church and could use some help with people assisting him. If you are willing to do that please contact Jaime 707-725-9339 or email us at, You can also connect with Mat at church
We need help with Sound Booth duties. Daniele Mammi is our main sound person. If you would like to help with sound or lyrics on Sunday am or pm please let us know. You can contact Jaime or Mesha at 707-725-9339 or email to
We need people to help hand out bulletins and be friendly. If that’s you then we really want your help on Sunday mornings. You can contact Jaime or Mesha at 707-725-9339 or email us at
We desperately need help with Childcare for Thursday nights, both for Parent Support group and the parenting class. If you can help we are trying to split shifts into 1 1/2 hour time slots. If you could help us cover a time slot it would be greatly appreciated