Braveco. Men’s Conference Information
Register Here: Cost: $149.99
Monthly Meeting
Every first Monday of the month the Men of Shiloh get together to encourage and strengthen one another. We will be going through a book together called “The Other Half of Church” by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks.
For questions click the contact us button below to email us.
We live in a time where men are hunting for the truth and looking for the codebook to manhood. At BraveCo, we are on a mission to heal the narrative of masculinity across a generation; fighting the good fight together because every man should feel confident and capable of facing his pain, loving deeply, and leading a life that impacts the world around him.
We understand not every man’s story is the same — we are a company of men with different backgrounds, from different regions, and representing a diversity of ages, but we believe in the power of community and brotherhood. Through BraveCo’s 12-month Discipleship Program we equip men for the journey of manhood and embrace the truth that no person was designed to thrive alone. Join us in the pursuit of wholeness, purpose, and brotherhood and glean wisdom, time-tested insights, tools and resources from men that are experts in their field.
Sexual Wholeness
a five month path to freedom from Sexual Brokeness. This course deals with pornography addiction, sexual addiction, sexual abuse trauma and all aspects of helping you to heal.