Sunday Service
10:30am Morning Service
Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Meetings this Week
Parent Support Group
Please RSVP below if you are coming and bringing kids. This allows us to provide enough food for everyone. It also allows us to have enough help for childcare.
Shiloh Life Meeting
Shiloh life group is a place to learn all kinds of relationship and personal growth tools, as well as an opportunity to build community with other believers. Childcare is available upon request RSVP below
Youth Group Changes
Junior High Youth will now be from 5:30pm to 6:45pm; High School youth will be from 7:15-8:30pm
Come to the Table
This week is come to the table 1/13. Ladies are welcome to come and enjoy great food and fellowship
Church Calender
You will find our monthly events on this Calendar. For weekly recurring events see the list of events above.
About Us
We are a community of Jesus followers. We love the presence of God and want to cultivate his presence in our lives so that we can bring it to the world around us. We are committed to helping people walk in freedom by ministering to the whole person; Body, Soul and Spirit. We welcome people from all walks of life regardless of where they are at on their spiritual journey. We are all learning together about the great love that Jesus has for us and our world.
Mental Health and the local church
Our Pastors; Marty and Jaime Pronovost were on the cultural catalyst podcast with Kris Vallotton. Below is the podcast video